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Showing posts from April, 2018

d'link extender setup manual

Extenders are being used to a large extinct for booting the WiFi signal strength. If you use WiFi and feel that signal of WiFi is not enough then you can also opt for a extender. d'link extender is a good choice if we want to use a signal booster. If you are having d'link router then d'link extender is fair enough for best performance. Even with other routers d'link is a good choice. Like routers setup wizard we can access www dlink DAP local for d'link extender's configuration. Let's see the setup in detail: Step 1: Plug the DAP-1520 into a circuit which is within the wireless range of your router. Step 2: Now you need to connect with this network. In the wireless utility on your computer, select the name (SSID) of the DAP-1520 network, and enter the password. The defaults of these are found on the included Wi-Fi Configuration Card. Step 3: Now open a web browser and enter http://dlinkap.local or the IP address

Should I Buy a Wi-fi Extender or a New Router

When there is constant problem in the Wi-Fi signal one get confused whether he/she should buy a new router or should use Wi-Fi extender to boost the Wi-Fi signals.  If you have slow internet then there could be many reasons behind that. Sometimes it may be due to poor performance of your router, may be your device is not updated, and many times it could be because there is break in the signal due to some interference or blockage. Here you can get the tips to boost your Wi-Fi signals and helpful to you in getting answer of how to setup dlink extender . Update Router Firmware: Sometimes your internet could be slow just because your router is not updated. Nowadays router manufacturing companies updated their software to increase the speed and performance of the wireless connection. If you have a new router then it is very easy to update it through administrative interface but if you are using an old router then it may take some time as you have to download the Router Firm...

Advance dlink camera devices

Advance security camera devices are best to use when you want to secure your home. If you are having large home or you are living in a single bedroom apartment you must install the dlink camera devices for your home. In this article we are giving some facts that why dlink login camera devices are best to use by most of the people.  You can record videos for 180 angle and that angle is enough to have full security for all your devices.  You can enjoy all recorded videos in full HD mode so you do not need to edit your video using any third party video editor software.  You can download mydlink lite app for your smart phone and then this application will help you to have all configuration done from your mobile phone. Image settings for the dlink camera recording are possible using lite application.  When you use two way communication method for your device, you can talk to your family members from any location. These advance features ar...

Removing the Dead Zones from Home

Have you ever wondered why your device is not getting Wi-Fi signal? Basically Wi-Fi signal is a radio wave which travels in a medium and if there is any obstacle in its path then it may break or get weak which create Dead Zone. Dead Zone: It is an area of your house, office, building, compartment or any place which is covered by Wi-Fi but don’t get Wi-Fi signals. Whenever you connect your electronic device dlinkap local wizard to Wi-Fi it does not get signal. Reason of Dead Zone: There could be various reasons for dead zones. Let’s have look on few of them. 1.        Your Wi-Fi could lose its strength if there are many Wi-Fi routers in a single building. People prefer their own Wi-Fi network and in this case the coverage could be damaged due to interference in the signal. 2.        The devices like microwave, cordless phones, and wireless sound systems and can also block or create interference in the Wi-Fi signals...